SIDRA INTERSECTION 7 has a facility for automatic download and installation of software updates. This requires internet connection. When you run the program, it will identify if there is a more recent version of the software available, and ask you if you want to apply the update.
You can also check if there is an update by clicking the FILE Tab and then clicking "Check for Updates".
If you are not receiving updates automatically (e.g. if this facility has been disabled by your IT Department), please check the Software Update History document given on this page (updated regularly) and ask your IT Department to obtain and install the latest update as it becomes available. For IT Departments, you can update the software to the latest version by simply downloading the program from your SIDRA online STORE account. Click on the button (beside the word Download:) to download the software that you wish to update. This will download the setup file for the latest version. Run the setup file to update your current version to the latest one. The current version does not need to be uninstalled. The setup file will update it.
Latest Version Information
Version No:
Release Date: 27 Dec 2017
For a summary of all updates issued since the first release of SI-7:
SIDRA INTERSECTION 7 Update History.pdf