How to manage End Users

Modified on: 2022-09-20 12:31:57 +1000

Make sure to first sign in to SIDRA OrgAdmin for the Administrator tasks.

Invite a New User

To invite a new user to your organisation:

  1. Go to the Invitations page in your SIDRA OrgAdmin
  2. Click the Create button on the top left corner of the Manage Invitations window.
  3. The INVITE USERS window will pop open.
  4. *Enter the Recipient name and Recipient email.
  5. Select the group(s) to invite the user to.
  6. Click Assign Admin access if you wish to make the user an Administrator of your SIDRA OrgAdmin account.
  7. You may edit the default message in the Message window.
  8. Click Invite to send the invitation to recipient.

Import from a CSV file

*You also can import a list of users from a CSV file.

Here is an example CSV file content:

[email protected],User1 Test
[email protected],User2 Test
[email protected],User3 Test

Read: Invitation to set up your SIDRA FLOATING Licence Account

Create a User Group

The FLOATING Licence Administrator can define User Groups to better help them manage the End Users of their SIDRA Licences. This is done via Entitlements which are used to control User Group access to a licence or group of licences.

To create a User Group you must be signed in as an Administrator.

  1. Go to the Groups page in your SIDRA OrgAdmin
  2. Click the Create button on the top left corner of the Manage Groups
  3. The CREATE GROUP window will pop open.
  4. Enter the Name, Type and short Description of the group.
  5. Select the entitlements that you would like this group to have access to.

Manage a User Group

You can add or remove users from a Group.

  1. Go to the Groups page in your SIDRA OrgAdmin
  2. Click the ‘…’ button in the Tools column on the right most side of the table for the relevant Group.
  3. Select Members.
  4. A list of Employees will appear in a popup window.
  5. Select or de-select
  6. Click the Apply to save changes.

Delete a User Group

To delete a User Group:

  1. Go to the Groups page in your SIDRA OrgAdmin
  2. Click the ‘…’ button in the Tools column on the right most side of the table for the relevant Group.
  3. Select Remove.


The system assigned default Group cannot be deleted.

Set which User Group(s) can access an Entitlement (including all Licences in this Entitlement)

An Organisation Account can have multiple Entitlements. An Entitlement can have multiple Licences. A Licence must belong to one Entitlement only. A Licence can be moved to another Entitlement.

An Organisation Account can have multiple User Groups. A User Group can have multiple End Users. An End User can belong to multiple User Groups. The access to an Entitlement (including all Licences in this Entitlement) can be assigned to User Group(s). A User Group can have access to multiple Entitlements.

Manage which entitlements can be accessed by a certain group by:

  1. Go to the Groups page in your SIDRA OrgAdmin portal.
  2. Click the ‘…’ button in the Tools column for a Group and then click View details.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select or de-select the entitlements from the list.
  5. Click Apply to save changes.

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