1PC Licence
1PC Licences for SIDRA INTERSECTION are per computer licences (computer based, not network or server based).
1PC Licences for SIDRA INTERSECTION are per computer licences (computer based, not network or server based). This means that once...
2022-11-17 16:00:43 +1100
Online licence activation may fail for a number of reasons resulting in a failure message. The reasons for failure include...
2020-05-22 16:22:37 +1000
IMPORTANT You need to activate each 1PC licence per computer. You will need your License ID (starts with the number...
2022-11-03 12:00:10 +1100
If your intention is to move your licence to another computer, you should first deactivate the licence. If you uninstall...
2015-02-10 08:25:14 +1100
SIDRA INTERSECTION Run the software. Click the Licensing Tab in the ribbon. With the Fixed (radio button) selected, click Deactivate Licence....
2022-08-25 11:28:19 +1000
Offline Activation (for 1PC Licence) is NOT the preferred method. The simple Online Activation using the Internet is the preferred...
2014-08-14 11:31:59 +1000